Monday, June 4, 2012

Writing for Lifeway

Becky Hillman

Have you ever wondered how Lifeway gets thier many publications filled? Beth Moore is good, but she can't write everything they publish. That's where we as freelance Christian writers come in. They have several categories that they need and use freelance writers for including:

  • Curriculum Study Materials and Personal Growth Materials
  • Ministry Periodicals
  • Devotional, Christian Living, and Life Enrichment Resources
  • Books

Most of what they do is on assignment, which means that once you have established a relationship with the right person for the periodical or department you are interested in, they send you an assignment. But remember, for Lifeway is not just another freelance job, it's a calling from God. They take that seriously at Lifeway, and so should you. So start your search with prayer.

Here is a great starting place. It's a link to the different categories where they use writers like us and the best ways to get started with them.

Below is a list of the different categories from the website and publications for each:

Curriculum Study Materials and Personal Growth Materials
There are many publications that fall under this category. Most of the writers they use attend a Southern Baptist Church and are involved in the type of study they are writing. If you are interested in writing this types of material, you will find a hyperklink in the above web address for a form to fill out.

Ministry Periodicals
The following periodicals are non-study activities, and are for specific ministry avenues.

The Deacon provides tips and devotions for deacons in the Southern Baptist church.

Let's Worship  is a handy resource for the worship arts ministry staff.  It includes music, dramas, sermons, ministry ideas, and more.

Special Education Today is a magazine dedicatd to helping churches improve thier outreach to families with children with special needs.

Devotional, Christian Living, and Life Enrichment Resources
The following provide Bible reading and devotional features:
  • Open Windows (for adults)
  • Quietud (Spanish devotional guide)
  • Journey (for women)
  • Stand Firm (for men)
  • Bible Express (for children)
  • More (for younger children)
  • Adventure (for older children)
  • Essential connection (for youth)

If you are interested in submitting work to these titles, start by requesting writers' guidelines from the editor of the periodical(s) for which you desire to write. Send requests for guidelines to:

Editor, (name of periodical)
One LifeWay Plaza
Nashville, TN 37234

If you have a book that you would like to submit to Lifeway, you can request writer's guidelines by sending a self-addressed stamped envelope to:
Broadman & Holman Publishers
127 Ninth Avenue, North
Nashville, TN 37234-0115

  1. I know this is a lot of information, but it's a start. Visit the website listed above to get more information on the different categories you may be interested in. Do some of your own research by browsing magazines and Bible studies at the Lifeway store. This will help you focus in the right direction and eliminate some things as well. Once you've written something for Lifeway, don't forget to share your experience with your fellow bootcampers. Remember, we're all in this together and want to cheer you on!